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Haal meer uit Jedlix door je besparingen te vergroten
April 26, 2023
Haal meer uit Jedlix door je besparingen te vergroten

Jedlix is er om jou (en de planeet) te helpen met besparen door je elektrische auto thuis slim op te laden. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe je je voordelen kunt vergroten en alles uit Jedlix kan halen. (English version at the end)

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Greenchoice and Jedlix collaborate to accelerate energy transition through smart charging solutions
April 5, 2023
Greenchoice and Jedlix collaborate to accelerate energy transition through smart charging solutions

Sinds een jaar bundelen Greenchoice en Jedlix hun krachten om slimme laadoplossingen te ontwikkelen in Nederland. (English version at the end)

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Our tips for cheaper charging  💰
March 9, 2023
Our tips for cheaper charging 💰

At Jedlix, we are committed to helping you save money while driving your electric vehicle (EV) and promoting renewable energy. That's why we are excited to introduce our amazing partners who share our values and offer a range of benefits to EV owners like you!

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Bespaar thuis op je laadsessies met je EV door slim te laden (Dutch, guest blog in collab with Mobility Service Nederland)
January 10, 2023
Bespaar thuis op je laadsessies met je EV door slim te laden (Dutch, guest blog in collab with Mobility Service Nederland)

Bespaar thuis op je laadsessies met je EV door slim te laden. Een gastblog van de elektrisch lease specialisten van Mobility Service Nederland.

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Easee charger integration now available on the Jedlix platform!
December 5, 2022
Easee charger integration now available on the Jedlix platform!

Good news for all EV drivers with an Easee Charging Robot; thanks to the recent collaboration between Jedlix and Easee it is now possible to connect your Easee charging robot to Jedlix, allowing you to charge your electric vehicle cheaper and with more renewables.

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Bye Bye battery drain
November 2, 2022
Bye Bye battery drain

Connectivity apps have the tendency to use and drain your car battery, even when it’s off! To keep this precious energy on board we have implemented a new system of communication with the car and intelligent learning that reduces this phenomenon to the maximum! 

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How Chargeprice will help you save money on the road
November 2, 2022
How Chargeprice will help you save money on the road

At Jedlix we do everything to help you charge the cheapest. A joint blogpost with our friends Chargeprice to help you save money on the road.

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Here comes the sun!
December 1, 2021
Here comes the sun!

Introducing the new solar smart charging feature. We are proud to announce that one of the most requested and awaited features is now available on our platform.

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A sneak peek into tariff rates across countries
A sneak peek into tariff rates across countries

Get insights in how energy tariffs are applied by EV drivers in different countries.

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2021 the breakthrough year for dynamic tariffs? We are ready for it!
2021 the breakthrough year for dynamic tariffs? We are ready for it!

EV smart charging by Jedlix: a perfect fit for Dynamic Tariffs

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Feature alert: Smart Charge Overview
Feature alert: Smart Charge Overview

Charging your fleet car at home on your private energy bill a hassle? No worries, Jedlix helps you out!

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Charge even smarter
Charge even smarter

A guest blog on smart charging by our ambassador Ron Hendriks in cooperation with Tesla Motors (Netherlands)

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